Country of birth?
USA Canada Australia New Zealand UK Europe South America South Africa North Africa Middle Eastern country Singapore Asia India Pakistan OTHER
USA Canada Australia New Zealand UK Europe South America South Africa North Africa Middle Eastern country Singapore Asia India Pakistan OTHER
Employment status?
Unemployed Employed Self-employed Semi-retired Retired, fixed income Comfortably retired
Annual income (after tax)?
< $USD 30,000 $30 - $50k $51 - $75k $76 - $100k $101 - $150k $151 - $200k $200-$300k $300-$400k $500-$1MM >$1MM
Net worth?
10MM+ $10MM-$7MM $7MM-$4MM $4MM-$1MM $1MM-$900k $900k-$800k $800k-$700k $600k-$500k $500k-$400k $400k-$300k $300k-$200k $200k-$100k <$100k
Are you financially stable?
I'm very financially stable and have significant assets. I have a good job and am able to pay my bills comfortably. I'm stable for now, but worry about the future. I'm not as financially stable as I'd like to be. I'm struggling financially and am worried about my future.
Bachelor's degree Master's degree Doctorate (Ph.D.) None/No degree Vocational/Technical certificate Other
How would you rate your level of intelligence?
I would say I'm highly intelligent. I'm able to grasp complex concepts quickly and have a wide range of knowledge on various subjects. I'm intelligent and have a good understanding of many different topics, but I wouldn't consider myself a genius or anything like that. I think I have an average level of intelligence. I can learn new things and solve problems, but it takes me some time and effort. I have some difficulty understanding certain concepts or solving complex problems, so I would say my level of intelligence is below average. I don't feel comfortable rating my intelligence level as it can be subjective and there are different types of intelligence.
What's your religion?
Christian, protestant. Christian, Orthodox/non-protestant Muslim, practicing. Muslim, non-practicing. Jewish Atheist Agnostic Other
Do you have children?
More than 4 4 3 2 1 I don't have children.
How many times have you been divorced?
I have never been divorced. I have been divorced once in the past. I have been divorced twice. I have been divorced three times. I have been divorced more than three times and have struggled with relationship issues throughout my life.
Do you find it easy (10) or difficult (1) to take a new action that's outside your comfort zone?
I find it very difficult to take new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I generally find it difficult to take new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I am somewhat comfortable taking new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I am generally comfortable taking new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I find it very easy to take new actions that are outside my comfort zone.
What's your most outstanding personality trait?
Victim Complainer Greedy Cheap Negative Not confident Fickle Complainer Unreliable Shy Low intelligence Low self-esteem Confident Caring Generous Purposeful Empowered Attentive Positive Solution-oriented Problem solver Leader Reliable High Intelligence High self-esteem
What's your strongest personality trait?
Victim Complainer Greedy Cheap Negative Not confident Fickle Complainer Unreliable Shy Low intelligence Low self-esteem Confident Caring Generous Purposeful Empowered Attentive Positive Solution-oriented Problem solver Leader Reliable High Intelligence High self-esteem
What's your most admirable personality trait?
Victim Complainer Greedy Cheap Negative Not confident Fickle Complainer Unreliable Shy Low intelligence Low self-esteem Confident Caring Generous Purposeful Empowered Attentive Positive Solution-oriented Problem solver Leader Reliable High Intelligence
How would you rate your sense of humor?
I have an excellent sense of humor and can make anyone laugh. I believe I have a good sense of humor and can make most people laugh. I think I have an average sense of humor and can make some people laugh. I have a dry sense of humor that not everyone appreciates, but some people find funny. I am not sure about my sense of humor and often struggle to make people laugh. I don't think I have a good sense of humor and struggle to make people laugh. I have a poor sense of humor and rarely find things funny.
How would you rate your overall health?
Excellent, I'm in great physical and mental shape. Very good, I take care of my health and have few health issues. Good, but I have some minor health issues or concerns. Average, I have some health issues that need attention, but nothing serious. Fair, I have some health issues that impact my daily life. Poor, I have significant health issues that impact my daily life and require ongoing medical attention. Very poor, my health is severely impacted and limits my ability to do everyday tasks.
How would your friends and colleagues rate your confidence level (for best accuracy, ask them)?
Extremely confident, my friends and colleagues would rate me as a leader. Very confident, my friends and colleagues would rate me as assertive. Moderately confident, my friends and colleagues would rate me as competent. Slightly confident, my friends and colleagues would rate me as shy. Not confident at all, my friends and colleagues would rate me as insecure.
Rate how much you enjoy giving gifts to your lady (1 being the least)?
I love giving gifts to my lady, it's one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy giving gifts to my lady, it makes me feel good. Giving gifts to my lady is nice, but it's not a priority. I don't really enjoy giving gifts to my lady, but I do it anyway. I hate giving gifts to my lady, it feels like a chore.
Did most of your past girlfriends call you "a romantic"?
All of my past girlfriends called me "a romantic". Most of my past girlfriends called me "a romantic". Some of my past girlfriends called me "a romantic". A few of my past girlfriends called me "a romantic". None of my past girlfriends called me "a romantic".
Do your friends and family consider you a charismatic person?
Yes, my friends and family think I'm very charismatic. Yes, my friends and family think I'm somewhat charismatic. My friends and family don't really mention my charisma. No, my friends and family don't think I'm very charismatic. No, my friends and family think I'm not charismatic at all.
Do your friends and colleagues consider you more of a leader, or follower?
Definitely a leader! My friends and colleagues always come to me for guidance and support. I would say I'm more of a leader than a follower. I tend to take charge in group settings. It's hard to say. Sometimes I take the lead, and other times I prefer to follow someone else's lead. I would say I'm more of a follower than a leader. I like to contribute to group decisions but don't necessarily need to be in charge. Definitely a follower. I prefer to let others take the lead and support their decisions.
Do your friends and colleagues say you have a deeper, commanding, or authoritative voice?
Yes, my friends and colleagues say I have a very commanding and authoritative voice. Yes, my friends and colleagues say I have a somewhat commanding and authoritative voice. My friends and colleagues don't really mention my voice. No, my friends and colleagues say I have a weak and unimpressive voice. No
How would you rate yourself on the shy (introverted) - outgoing (extroverted) scale, 10 being extroverted?
I'm definitely an extrovert! I love being around people and feel energized by social situations. I would rate myself a 10 on the scale. I'm more of an extrovert than an introvert. While I enjoy spending time alone, I also love being around others and meeting new people. I would rate myself an 8 on the scale. I would say I'm somewhere in the middle. I enjoy spending time alone and in quiet environments, but I also enjoy socializing and being around others. I would rate myself a 5 on the scale. I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert. While I don't mind social situations, I often prefer spending time alone or with a small group of close friends. I would rate myself a 3 on the scale. I'm definitely an introvert. I find social situations draining and prefer to spend most of my time alone or with a small group of people I know well. I would rate myself a 1 on the scale.
Do you consider yourself the strong silent type?
Absolutely, I tend to keep my thoughts to myself. Somewhat, I prefer to listen more than talk. Not really, I'm comfortable expressing my thoughts and feelings. Not at all, I'm very talkative and expressive.
How would you rate your facial attractiveness?
1-3 4-6 7-9 10
How would you rate your physical attractiveness?
1-3 4-6 7-9 10
Do your friends and colleagues say you have a deeper, commanding, or authoritative voice?
My voice is incredibly deep and commanding. I have a strong, authoritative voice. My voice is average and doesn't stand out. I have a higher-pitched, tenor voice. My voice is soft and unassertive.
How well dressed are you? (1= sloppy, 10 = GQ level)
I'm not very well dressed and tend to prioritize comfort over fashion. I would rate myself a 2 on the scale. While I don't dress impeccably, I still make an effort to look presentable and put-together. I would rate myself a 4 on the scale. I would say I'm pretty average when it comes to my fashion sense. I don't make a huge effort to dress up, but I'm not sloppy either. I would rate myself a 6 on the scale. I take pride in my appearance and enjoy dressing well. I keep up with the latest fashion trends and always make sure my clothes fit properly. I would rate myself an 8 on the scale. I am always impeccably dressed, paying attention to every detail, and ensuring that my clothing is perfectly tailored and styled. I would rate myself a 10 on the scale.
Do you have long hair?
I have long, luxurious hair that I take pride in. I have medium-length hair that's well-groomed. My hair is short and tidy. I keep my hair buzzed or shaved. I'm bald or have very little hair.
Do you have a long beard?
I have a full, thick beard that's well-groomed. I have a medium-length beard that's neatly trimmed. I have a short, scruffy beard. I have some facial hair, but it's patchy or unkempt. I'm clean-shaven or can't grow a beard.
Do you have a lot of tattoos?
Yes, I have a lot of tattoos! I love expressing myself through body art and have been collecting tattoos for years. I have a few tattoos, but I wouldn't say I have a lot. Each tattoo has special meaning to me. I have one or two tattoos, but I'm not really into body art. They're not very noticeable. I don't have any tattoos, but I might consider getting one in the future. No, I don't have any tattoos, and I don't really have an interest in getting any.
Do you have any army or military experience?
I'm a veteran with multiple tours of duty. I served in the military for a few years. I did some basic training, but didn't serve. I considered joining, but never did. I have no interest in the military.
Do you have any boxing or martial arts experience?
I'm a black belt and have won multiple tournaments. I've trained in multiple martial arts for several years. I've done some boxing or martial arts training. I've tried it before, but didn't stick with it. I've never tried boxing or martial arts.
Do you work out at least twice a week?
I'm a gym rat and work out almost every day. I work out at least twice a week and take my fitness seriously. I try to work out, but sometimes fall off the wagon. I rarely work out and could be in better shape. I don't work out and don't care about my fitness level.
How many hobbies are you active with?
5 or more 3-4 1-2 None, but I'm interested in trying new things. None, and I'm not interested in having hobbies.
(SMVW) Your SMV to Western women is x
(SMVS) Your SMV to Ukrainian women is x
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