Country of birth?
USA Canada Australia New Zealand UK Europe South America South Africa North Africa Middle Eastern country Singapore Asia India Pakistan OTHER
USA Canada Australia New Zealand UK Europe South America South Africa North Africa Middle Eastern country Singapore Asia India Pakistan OTHER
Employment status?
Unemployed Employed Self-employed Semi-retired Retired, fixed income Comfortably retired
Annual income (after tax)?
< $USD 30,000 $30 - $50k $51 - $75k $76 - $100k $101 - $150k $151 - $200k $200-$300k $300-$400k $500-$1MM >$1MM
Net worth?
10MM+ $10MM-$7MM $7MM-$4MM $4MM-$1MM $1MM-$900k $900k-$800k $800k-$700k $600k-$500k $500k-$400k $400k-$300k $300k-$200k $200k-$100k <$100k
Are you financially stable?
I'm very financially stable and have significant assets. I have a good job and am able to pay my bills comfortably. I'm stable for now, but worry about the future I'm not as financially stable as I'd like to be. I'm struggling financially and am worried about my future
Bachelor's degree Master's degree Doctorate (Ph.D.) None/No degree Vocational/Technical certificate Other
How would you rate your level of intelligence?
I would say I'm highly intelligent. I'm able to grasp complex concepts quickly and have a wide range of knowledge on various subjects. I'm intelligent and have a good understanding of many different topics, but I wouldn't consider myself a genius or anything like that. I think I have an average level of intelligence. I can learn new things and solve problems, but it takes me some time and effort. I have some difficulty understanding certain concepts or solving complex problems, so I would say my level of intelligence is below average. I don't feel comfortable rating my intelligence level as it can be subjective and there are different types of intelligence.
What's your religion?
Christian, protestant. Christian, Orthodox/non-protestant Muslim, practicing. Muslim, non-practicing. Jewish Atheist Agnostic Other
Do you want your wife to work, or will you give her the choice?
Yes, she has to work due to financial reasons. No, she doesn't have to work, it's her choice. Maybe, but only if we need the money and it should be an interesting job for her. Maybe, if we need the money, and it will have to be the first job she can get.
Are you open to financially supporting her family members, when needed?
Absolutely, I am more than happy to provide financial support to her entire family. Yes, I believe it is my responsibility to support her family financially. Somewhat, I am willing to provide some financial support to her family but within reason. I am undecided or have mixed feelings about providing financial support to her family. No, I don't think it's my responsibility to support her entire family financially. Absolutely not, I am not willing to provide financial support to her entire family for any reason. I prefer not to answer this question.
Do you have children?
More than 4 4 3 2 1 I don't have children.
Do you want to have children with your wife in the future?
Yes, but if she doesn’t want to, it’s okay. Yes, it is very important to me, otherwise it's a deal breaker! No Maybe, I won't press her, whatever we decide together.
How many times have you been divorced?
I have never been divorced. I have been divorced once in the past. I have been divorced twice. I have been divorced three times. I have been divorced more than three times and have struggled with relationship issues throughout my life.
How would you rate yourself between cheap to generous (1 being cheap)?
Very generous, I enjoy spending money on myself and others. Moderately generous, I spend money on myself and others when I can. Moderately generous, I spend money on myself and others when I can. Moderately cheap, I try to save money whenever possible. Very cheap, I avoid spending money whenever possible.
Do you own your own home or apartment free and clear?
Yes, I own my home or apartment free and clear. It's a great feeling to have such a significant asset fully paid off. I own my home or apartment, but I still have a mortgage or other debts associated with it. I own part of my home or apartment and share ownership with others, such as a co-op or condo association. I currently rent my home or apartment but plan to own one day in the future. No, I don't own my home or apartment and I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to in the future.
Do you own your own home or apartment (with mortgage)?
Yes, I own my own home or apartment and have a mortgage. It's a great feeling to be building equity and investing in my future. I own my home or apartment, but I'm still paying off a mortgage or other debts associated with it. I'm in the process of buying a home or apartment and will soon have a mortgage. I currently rent my home or apartment but plan to own one day in the future. No, I don't own my home or apartment and I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to in the future.
Do you find it easy (10) or difficult (1) to take a new action that's outside your comfort zone?
I find it very difficult to take new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I generally find it difficult to take new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I am somewhat comfortable taking new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I am generally comfortable taking new actions that are outside my comfort zone. I find it very easy to take new actions that are outside my comfort zone.
What's the earliest you can go to Europe to meet your date in person?
I can't go to Europe at all due to financial or logistical constraints. I can go to Europe, but only during specific times of the year (such as summer vacation). I can go to Europe at any time, but I would need to plan the trip in advance. I can go to Europe on relatively short notice, but I would need to make some arrangements first. I can go to Europe anytime, even on very short notice, without needing to make any significant arrangements.
Are you Okay if she’s a single mom?
I am not comfortable dating a single mom and would not consider it. I have some reservations about dating a single mom, but it wouldn't necessarily be a dealbreaker. I am open to dating a single mom and would consider it if we have a connection. I am comfortable dating a single mom and would actively seek out single moms as potential partners. I am more than okay with dating a single mom and would see it as a bonus if we have a good connection.
How many collective hours would you say you have studied Ukrainian culture and mentality, including in-person ONLY dating time spent with Slavic girls?
0-10 hours 11-20 21-30 31-99 100-199 200-499 500-1000
How much money have you spent in total on pay-per-letter sites?
I haven't spent any money on pay-per-letter sites. Less than $1,000 $1,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $10,000 More than $10,000
How long have you been talking to girls on pay-per-letter sites?
I have never talked to girls on pay-per-letter sites. Less than 6 months 6 months - 1 year 1 year - 2 years More than 2 years
How many times have you been abroad to meet girls?
I have never been abroad to meet girls. 1-2 times 3-4 times 5-6 times More than 6 times
Do you consider yourself a talker?
Yes, I consider myself a talker. I enjoy engaging with others and am comfortable carrying a conversation. I'm fairly talkative, but I also know when to listen and allow others to speak. I'm not particularly talkative, but I can hold a conversation when needed. I tend to be quiet and reserved in social situations, preferring to listen rather than talk. No, I'm not much of a talker at all. I prefer to be alone or in quiet environments where I can focus on my own thoughts.
Do you consider yourself a good problem solver?
Yes, I consider myself an excellent problem solver. I enjoy analyzing complex situations and finding creative solutions. I'm a pretty good problem solver and have been able to successfully navigate a number of difficult situations in my life. I'm an average problem solver. I can handle most common problems that arise, but I may struggle with more complex or unusual issues. I don't consider myself a particularly good problem solver. I tend to get overwhelmed or stuck when faced with difficult situations. No, I'm not a good problem solver at all. I prefer to avoid problems altogether or rely on others to solve them for me.
Do you consider yourself a patient person?
Yes, I consider myself a very patient person. I'm able to remain calm and composed even in stressful or frustrating situations. I'm generally a patient person, but there are some situations that can test my patience, such as dealing with difficult people or waiting for long periods of time. I'm an average person when it comes to patience. I can be patient when I need to be, but I also have my limits and may get frustrated in certain situations. I don't consider myself a particularly patient person. I tend to get easily frustrated and may react impulsively when things don't go my way. No, I'm not a patient person at all. I have a short fuse and may get angry or upset at even minor inconveniences or delays.
Do you have any addictions?
No, I don't have any addictions. Yes, but I'm in recovery. Yes, and I'm not interested in getting help. Yes, but they are minor and don't affect my daily life. Yes, and they are negatively impacting my life.
How many alcoholic drinks do you normally have in an average week?
I don't drink alcohol at all. I may have an occasional drink on special occasions, but I don't drink regularly. I drink moderately, usually one to three drinks per week. I drink somewhat heavily, typically consuming four to six drinks per week. I drink heavily and frequently, consuming seven or more alcoholic drinks per week on a regular basis.
Do you have any sexual fetishes?
I have a few unique kinks and enjoy exploring them. I have one or two mild fetishes. I have some sexual preferences, but wouldn't call them fetishes. I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to sex. I have no interest in sexual fetishes.
How many women have you dated in the past year?
Few Less than 10 11-30 31-100 More than 100
Are you a farmer?
No, I am not a farmer. Yes, I am a farmer and work in agriculture on a daily basis currently and have no plans to change. Yes, I am a farmer and work in agriculture on a daily basis currently BUT do have plans to change. Yes, I am a farmer and work in agriculture on a daily basis currently BUT will change profession if my wife doesn't want the farming life.
Do you live in a rural area?
Yes, I currently live in a rural area and enjoy the peace and quiet of country living. I live in a suburban area that is close to a major city. I live in a small city. I live in a major city. I live on a farm.
How far do you live from a major city (>500k pop)?
I live in a major city with a population greater than 1 million. I live within a 30-minute drive or public transportation ride from a major city. I live within an hour's drive or public transportation ride from a major city. I live within two hours' drive or public transportation ride from a major city. I live more than two hours' drive or public transportation ride away from a major city.